Sunday, January 05, 2014

Family Group Record

Years ago when I was doing a lot of online research and had to transcribe all of the info I found (now you can usually save or link to original doc's) I found this chart to be absolutely invaluable to keep my research in some semblance of order. I tried to link to the Ancestry website directly but had issues finding these charts - don't know if they even offer them anymore so I have uploaded a copy for your use.

I also have charts from Ancestry for transcribing old census records. If you need these just let me know in the comments and I will upload these also.

BDM Certificates Uploaded

Here are the links to recently uploaded certificates:

Thomas Staples & Annie Good - Marriage Certificate

Annie Staples nee Good - Death Certificate

Arthur Bertie Cyril Staples (Mick) - Birth Certificate

Percy Staples & Bridget Smith - Marriage Certificate
Page 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b

Bridget Smith - Birth Certificate

Patrick Smith & Elizabeth Colwell - Marriage Certificate

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Staples - Good BMD

Listed below is the birth information for the children of Thomas Staples and Annie Good, born in Queensland.

Information given in the following format: date of birth, registered name, common name (if different) and reference code.

5 Dec 1883, John William (1884/C003202)
12 Jan 1885, Nellie (1885/C003427)
15 Apr 1886, Elizabeth (1886/C009234)
3 May 1887, Annie (1887/C003796)
3 Sep 1888, Alice Maud (1888/C004445)
13 Dec 1889, Sarah Jane - Janey (1890/C005411)
25 Feb 1891, Thomas Henry - Tom (1891/C005276)
31 May 1892, George Albert (1892/C005553)
21 Oct 1893, Samuel Charles - Frank Ernest (1893/C005124)
28 Mar 1895, Maggie - Mary (1895/C005058)
30 Apr 1898, Ida (1898/C005049)
6 Nov 1899, Charlotte - Lottie (1900/C004960)
12 Mar 1901, Robert Charles - Wally (1901/C004875)
30 Jan 1903, Leonard Lincoln - Lenny (1903/C004293)
28 Mar 1907, Arthur Bertie Cyril - Mick (1907/C005283)

And of course we can't forget Percy Staples born 1896 (day and month to be confirmed), in Louth, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. (Ref Louth 7a/581)
I still have not ordered the certificate for this one. Will let you know the results.

Smith - Colwell BMD

Listed below is the birth information for the children of Patrick Smith and Elizabeth Colwell, born in Queensland.

Information given in following format: birth date, registered name, common name (if different) and reference code.

3 Aug 1892, Michael (on Bridget's birth cert listed as Michael Patrick) - Pat (1892/C005726)
1 Jul 1895, Edward (1895/C005248)
1 Jul 1897, Bridget (was always known to be Bridget Elizabeth, however was not registered as such) - Sissy (1898/C004734)
18 Sep 1899, Bernard John - J.B. (1899/C005087)
16 Aug 1901, Mary Kathleen - Kitty (1901/C005141)
12 Feb 1904, Esther Beatrice - Essie (1904/C004935)
6 May 1906, James (1906/C004124)
13 Dec 1907, Hugh (1908/C003902)
24 Feb 1910, Philip Royal - Roy (1910/C004418)

Image of Bridget's Birth Certificate soon available on Web Album

Earl Granville

The 'Earl Granville' departed Plymouth on 6 January 1883, and arrived in Maryborough, Queensland on 18 April 1883. On board, travelling under 'free passage' terms, were newlyweds Thomas and Anne Staples, aged 21 and 22 respectively.

'Free passages were granted by the Government to particular categories of Immigrants, and their families, which were, from time to time, particularly required in Queensland. These categories altered over the years as conditions in Queensland changed but included at various times female domestic servants, and married couples without children. Applicants were required to pay the sum of one pound and a similar amount for each member of the family counted as a statute adult. To be eligible, they had to be unable to pay their own passage, they could not have resided previously in any Australian Colony, and they must intend to reside in Queensland.'

This particular voyage was made up of 81 assisted passages (farmers, labourers, vine dressers, and mechanics), 249 free passages, 5 in steerage and only 1 on remittance. 4 births and 2 deaths occurred during the journey.

Extracts from the 'Maryborough Chronicle' describing the voyage and landing to be added soon.

Information Overload

Wow, I have accumulated so much new information over the last 2 months, it is hard to know where to start. I found the ship that Thomas and Annie Staples immigrated on. I have also chased up all the Queensland Heritage BMD information for both the Staples and Smith branches, and found some really interesting anomalies and tidbits. At this time I also discovered that Patrick Smith and Elizabeth Colwell were NOT married in Ireland, as told, but were married in Queensland, and was able to order their marriage certificate, which arrived yesterday with Bridget's Birth Certificate and Annie Staples' Death Certificate. This new information gives me a few more leads so I can persevere with finding the Smith-Colwell immigration information, and the Irish BMD.

Anyways, had better get to it. Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Playing Catchup

Soooooo much has happened over the last few weeks it is hard to know where to start. I started conducting research on a new web site and have found a lot more info - dating way back to the late 1500's (also managed to take the Jones side of the tree back another generation too...) Found a distant cousin in Townsville. Yay! Remember how I said that 'William Jnr' dropped off the face of the earth - well guess who cousin David is a direct descendant of... Have filled in a lot of blanks there. Clarified some info and expanded on other bits. Found yet another website, an australian version of one I was already using, courtesy of a workmate and found some more exciting Australian info. I haven't been posting much lately, simply because I am trying to use my time doing raw research on the internet. I am leaving in a few days to spend two weeks in QLD, and will not have access to internet while I am away, so am hoping to spend my time going over the data I have been collecting and sorting through it and inputting it in the genealogy program I use, ready to share it while I am catching up with family in Qld. Hoping also to get some major notes put together and written ready to post the second I get plugged in again. Until then....

Monday, March 12, 2007

1861 UK Census

A few doc's now available.

William and Mary Staples with children Hannah, John, Elizabeth, William, George, James and Thomas(Great Grandfather).

John and Jane Upton with children Tom, Elizabeth, Mary Jane (who married Great Grand Uncle George Staples), George H, John W, Emma and Ann.

Thomas and Eliza Wright and their children Blyth, Christiana (who married Great Grand Uncle James Staples), and Christopher.

1861 UK Census

1851 UK Census

Now available for viewing, the 1851 census doc's for the following:

Michael (Great Great Great Grandfather)and Susannah Staples and their children Robert, Thomas and Sampson.

John Staples (son of Michael and Susannah).

William Staples (son of Michael and Susannah - Great Great Grandfather)

Mary Roberts (who married William Staples - featured on the next page, same household as William Staples - they worked together).

Hannah Roberts (Mary's eldest child) and John Roberts (Hannah's Grandfather).

John and Elizabeth Roberts (Mary's other two children)

The page preceding that of John and Elizabeth showing Mary's sister Ann Woodcock and her husband, Joseph Woodcock and their children Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary Ann.

John and Jane Upton (Great Grand Uncle George's in-laws) and their children Tom and Rebeckah (His wife's siblings)

The following page with John and Jane's daugter Elizabeth Upton and a visitor.

Thomas and Eliza Wright (Great Grand Uncle James' in-laws) and their son Blyth.

Christopher Wright (Thomas Wright's brother).

Ann Wright (Thomas Wright's mother; father deceased).

1851 UK Census

William Staples and Mary (Roberts) Explored

In an earlier post I mentioned that this was possibly Mary's second marriage and that the first three children Hannah, John and Elizabeth, were from that previous relationship. I have since discovered earlier census records tracking the family's' movements and painting a clearer picture.

In 1841, Mary, aged 25, was working as a servant and living in a place called New Pasture in Legsby. This seems to be the name of a cottage or set of cottages housing 3 single persons and a family of 5. Occupations of the tenants range from Gamekeeper to Dressmaker. At this time Mary's father John, aged 45, was living in Bleasby (name of street? a search of google maps revealed a 'Bleasby Fields Farm' in Legsby - there may have been a set of tenets there) Legsby, with his 13 y.o. son, Robert, and 25 y.o. daughter, Ann, and her husband Joseph Woodcock, also 25.

In 1841, William, aged 11, was living with his parents Michael (here aged 55 in 1851 he is listed as 75) and Susannah (35), and his siblings John (9), Thomas (6), Robert (4) and Sampson (1).

On 30 March 1851, the date the next census was done, William was working in Welton Le Wold, Withern (Louth) as an Agricultural Labourer (listed as servant)on a 370 acre tract of land. Head of household is listed as John Clarke and his sister Elizabeth Clarke. Perusal of the next page showed two house servants also living there, a Charlotte Vemplew aged 17 and Mary Roberts aged 32. So now we know how "Harry met Sally". Mary is listed here as being 'Unmarried' and was still using her maiden name, so it is assumed that she had not married at all prior to William. I tracked down Mary's father's household in Legsby and discovered that her 8 y.o. daughter Hannah Roberts was living with him and their housekeeper. Mary's sister Ann and husband Joseph Woodcock had moved to their own place in Legsby, and now had 3 children, Elizabeth (7), Sarah (4) and Mary Ann (2). They were also caring for Mary's other two children John Roberts (6) and Elizabeth Roberts(1).

William and Mary married during the April-May-June quarter of 1851, and their first child, also named William was born in Louth in 1852.

The 1861 census lists them as living in 34 Little Lane, Louth. Mary's first three children now carry the Staples name, and Mary and William have a further 3 children, after William (Jnr), George (6), James(4) and Thomas, just 3 months old. William and his wife are working as Market Gardener's as well as Mary's son John. Elizabeth, William and George were going to school.

In 1871, the family had moved around the corner to 35 Mt Pleasant, Louth. George, James and Thomas are still at home. William Jnr has dropped off the face of the earth. I cannot find him in any census records after 1861 and cannot find a death entry for him between 1861 and 1871. John, Hannah and Elizabeth have also dropped off the radar. I can find no census, marriage or death records that match their details under either Staples or Roberts.

By 1881, Thomas was the only one left at home, he married Annie in 1882 and emigrated with his wife straight after. George and Mary had married in 1873 and had also emigrated soon thereafter. James married Christiana in 1877 and moved to Saltfleetby where their family flourished.

Mary passed away in 1885. William cont'd at the same address as a market Gardener until his death in 1911 at the ripe old age of 81.

1841 UK Census

The following 1841 Census Documents are available for viewing:

Michael (Great Great Great Grandfather) and Susannah Staples (his wife) and their children William (Great Great Grandfather), John, Thomas, Robert and Sampson.

Mary Roberts (Great Great Grandfather William's Wife)

John Roberts (Mary's father) his son Robert and daughter Ann and Ann's Husband Joseph Woodcock. (Ann and Joseph later cared for some of Mary's kids)

Christopher and Ann Wright and their children Thomas (Great Grand Uncle James' Father-in-Law)and Christopher.

Eliza Walker (Great Grand Uncle James' Mother-in-Law; she married Thomas Wright)

John Upton (Great Grand Uncle George's Father-in-Law)

Happy viewing...

1841 UK Census

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Google Calendar

I have started inputting family birth death and marriage dates into a Google Calendar. No where near finished, but at least I have made a start. If you have any information to add or correct please let me know.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thomas and Annie Staples

You can now view Marriage Certificate online.

From Raven's Roots

George Albert Staples Dossier

George's (Percy's brother) file now available. Viewing 5 pages of 19.

Frank Ernest Staples Dossier

Frank's (Percy's brother) file available now. Viewing 7 pages (complete file - 8 pages)

Percy Staples Dossier

Percy's war file is now available for viewing. (7 pages of 30)

War Service Records

In the very humble beginnings of my research, before I even worked out how to trace births, deaths and marriages, I stumbled across the National Archives and the data kept by the Australian War Memorial. (Links to both in sidebar) Here I was able to find service records for ancestors. In the beginning I found next to none, but as the files were ever so slowly digitised and made available, I was able to track down records for more and more people. Over the span of the past 2 - 3 years, I have been able to download a number of these documents and over the coming weeks, I will endeavour to make them available via the Web Album. Due to space restrictions, not all data will be loaded. If you are interested in complete copies, please contact me.

Picasa Web Album now launched!

Yep! I finally organised a Web Album where I can upload documents and photos for viewing. This way, you can view stuff you are interested in without bogging down the blog loading time. So, here it is...

Have only loaded a few things so far - much, much more to come!