Thursday, March 29, 2007

Playing Catchup

Soooooo much has happened over the last few weeks it is hard to know where to start. I started conducting research on a new web site and have found a lot more info - dating way back to the late 1500's (also managed to take the Jones side of the tree back another generation too...) Found a distant cousin in Townsville. Yay! Remember how I said that 'William Jnr' dropped off the face of the earth - well guess who cousin David is a direct descendant of... Have filled in a lot of blanks there. Clarified some info and expanded on other bits. Found yet another website, an australian version of one I was already using, courtesy of a workmate and found some more exciting Australian info. I haven't been posting much lately, simply because I am trying to use my time doing raw research on the internet. I am leaving in a few days to spend two weeks in QLD, and will not have access to internet while I am away, so am hoping to spend my time going over the data I have been collecting and sorting through it and inputting it in the genealogy program I use, ready to share it while I am catching up with family in Qld. Hoping also to get some major notes put together and written ready to post the second I get plugged in again. Until then....

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