Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Earl Granville

The 'Earl Granville' departed Plymouth on 6 January 1883, and arrived in Maryborough, Queensland on 18 April 1883. On board, travelling under 'free passage' terms, were newlyweds Thomas and Anne Staples, aged 21 and 22 respectively.

'Free passages were granted by the Government to particular categories of Immigrants, and their families, which were, from time to time, particularly required in Queensland. These categories altered over the years as conditions in Queensland changed but included at various times female domestic servants, and married couples without children. Applicants were required to pay the sum of one pound and a similar amount for each member of the family counted as a statute adult. To be eligible, they had to be unable to pay their own passage, they could not have resided previously in any Australian Colony, and they must intend to reside in Queensland.'

This particular voyage was made up of 81 assisted passages (farmers, labourers, vine dressers, and mechanics), 249 free passages, 5 in steerage and only 1 on remittance. 4 births and 2 deaths occurred during the journey.

Extracts from the 'Maryborough Chronicle' describing the voyage and landing to be added soon.

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