Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Staples - Good BMD

Listed below is the birth information for the children of Thomas Staples and Annie Good, born in Queensland.

Information given in the following format: date of birth, registered name, common name (if different) and reference code.

5 Dec 1883, John William (1884/C003202)
12 Jan 1885, Nellie (1885/C003427)
15 Apr 1886, Elizabeth (1886/C009234)
3 May 1887, Annie (1887/C003796)
3 Sep 1888, Alice Maud (1888/C004445)
13 Dec 1889, Sarah Jane - Janey (1890/C005411)
25 Feb 1891, Thomas Henry - Tom (1891/C005276)
31 May 1892, George Albert (1892/C005553)
21 Oct 1893, Samuel Charles - Frank Ernest (1893/C005124)
28 Mar 1895, Maggie - Mary (1895/C005058)
30 Apr 1898, Ida (1898/C005049)
6 Nov 1899, Charlotte - Lottie (1900/C004960)
12 Mar 1901, Robert Charles - Wally (1901/C004875)
30 Jan 1903, Leonard Lincoln - Lenny (1903/C004293)
28 Mar 1907, Arthur Bertie Cyril - Mick (1907/C005283)

And of course we can't forget Percy Staples born 1896 (day and month to be confirmed), in Louth, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. (Ref Louth 7a/581)
I still have not ordered the certificate for this one. Will let you know the results.


bluemag2000 said...

Hello- My GGrandparents also came out on the Earl Granville. My Grandmother gave Birth to a male child whilst on the Ship - do you know where I could obtain a passenger list..there names were Charles WIlliam & Elizabeth Richards...Many thanks

bluemag2000 said...

**Correction: Charles Henry & Elizabeth Richards*

RavenWolf said...

The Maryborough District Family History Society in Queensland has a number of booklets printed on the various passenger ships that ported there. These booklets include a passenger list as well as extracts from the Maryborough Chronicle relating to the ship and its' voyage and passengers etc.

I checked my copy of 'Earl Granville', Maryborough, 18 April, 1883, for any passengers with surname of Richards. They were as follows:

Chas (Charles) aged 23, Eliza (Elizabeth) aged 22, Flo (full name maybe Florence?) aged 1, and an (unnamed) child 0+ (0=infant under 1, + notes born on voyage). All travelled Free class.

Summary of voyage:
Departed Plymouth 6 Jan 1883. Arr. M'boro 18 Apr 1883.

Capt. Jameson.
Surgeon - Dr Hill.
Matron - Miss Affleck.

Passengers - 5 in Steerage, 81 Assisted, 249 Free, 1 Remittance. Total Embarked = 336. Births - 3, Deaths - 1.

Hope this helped.

bluemag2000 said...

Hello Jo - Wow!!!!
That is absolutely wonderful that is my Family….
I actually have a photograph of Florence (1 year old child) very attractive lady, stylish lady - she died very young around 1916 (of Cancer).
My Mother is 92 & she told me Florence was a dressmaker/designer & she made clothes for the wealthy wives of Jockeys in Sydney.
The baby with no name is actually John Grenville (named after the Ship) he was born on route to Australia. He is the GGrandfather of Jan Stephenson (& me) our infamous Golfer who now lives in Florida.
I was thinking of taking up Golf, my Mother said Jan gets her golfing talents from the other side of her Family. Apparently the Richards Family couldn't stand the heat of Qld & moved to Katoomba in NSW-Charles already had a Brother living in Qld (have no idea who he is). All the Descendants of Charles & Elizabeth were born in Katoomba except for Florence & John Grenville - I was also born in Leura/Katoomba.
I have photographs & Newspaper cuttings of Elizabeth - no photographs of Charles, he deserted Elizabeth she had 9 young Children…life was very hard for her. Elizabeth lived with my Grandmother & Mother till she died in 1928. My Mother said she was a worn out old lady at 68yrs of age.
Horrible Charles ran off with a wealthy widow who owned a Guest House in Katoomba & this is how Jan Stephenson ended up in our Family Tree. He had children to the wealthy widow not sure how many.
Thank you so much for the information - I have been going crazy trying to find the information on the www - & you have solved the mystery.
I shall contact the Maryborough Society & purchase a copy of the book.
Thank you so much