Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thomas and Annie Staples

Thomas Staples and Annie Good were married at the Register Office in Louth, Lincolnshire, on 20th December 1882. (GRO Index Ref. Louth Vol 7a Pg 1178)

Details listed in the Marriage Entry are as follows:

Thomas Staples, aged 21, Bachelor, Gardener, living at 34 Mt Pleasant, Louth. Father, William Staples, Gardener.

Annie Good, aged 21, Spinster, living at Ramsgate, Louth. (Only two streets across from Mt Pleasant) Father, William Good, Farm Labourer, Deceased.

Witnesses: Bernard Mooney and Mary Jane Staples (Tom's sister-in-law)

Date/ Details of emigration as yet unknown. However, their first child, John, born 5 Dec 1883, was born in Queensland. Therefore, they must have sailed very soon after the wedding.

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