Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fulstow Mud and Stud Cottages

"... houses were of the Lincolnshire Mud and Stud variety. They were either earth fast or box framed. The top of the studs was mortised together by timbers. Other horizontal timbers were fixed between the studs and hedgerow branches nailed in place to form a type of lath work. Mud from the surrounding area was mixed with chopped straw and then plastered onto the laths. This was done in a series of lifts so that the walls did not collapse. Whilst the resulting mud wall was still wet, sieved loam was mixed with water and plastered onto its surface. While still damp the walls were painted with a Limewash mix to waterproof them. A timber and mud chimney was constructed in the centre of the house and the roof finished off with straw thatching."

pg 13 "Fulstow A History of A Marsh Village" by the Fulstow History Group.

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