Sunday, January 05, 2014

Family Group Record

Years ago when I was doing a lot of online research and had to transcribe all of the info I found (now you can usually save or link to original doc's) I found this chart to be absolutely invaluable to keep my research in some semblance of order. I tried to link to the Ancestry website directly but had issues finding these charts - don't know if they even offer them anymore so I have uploaded a copy for your use.

I also have charts from Ancestry for transcribing old census records. If you need these just let me know in the comments and I will upload these also.

BDM Certificates Uploaded

Here are the links to recently uploaded certificates:

Thomas Staples & Annie Good - Marriage Certificate

Annie Staples nee Good - Death Certificate

Arthur Bertie Cyril Staples (Mick) - Birth Certificate

Percy Staples & Bridget Smith - Marriage Certificate
Page 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b

Bridget Smith - Birth Certificate

Patrick Smith & Elizabeth Colwell - Marriage Certificate

Saturday, January 04, 2014